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Migrating to V2 🏷️


This short tutorial describes how to best migrate existing money requests to the new Play API.

AccountsService v2

To address previous issues and improve system design, we are introducing a new version of the AccountsService, which reduces direct operations with accounts to enhance safety. Instead, we recommend managing transactions related to tournaments through the Play API.

The second version of the service introduces a new method, GetActualBalances, which returns the balances for both the current game account and the linked LinQ/PlayPal account, if available. The balance information includes two types: current and available. Currently, both values are the same, but in the future, available will represent the money that can be spent, while current will reflect the actual state of the account.

Additionally, the new version provides a method called ApplyCustomReward. This method, which can be enabled upon request, allows for sending special custom rewards directly to a user's account. This is useful for awarding users with real money. The ApplyCustomReward method is turned off by default and can be activated as needed.

Migrating to Play API

New Play API introduces special entity like Session, which has to be linked with every tournament. Also, in this session we attach players and do all needed transactions for them on our side, providing results of such operations.

To migrate, first of all, need link tournaments with remote session, using special service SessionsService and use its methods for managing remote sessions.

How to replace getMoney

In the initial version, you directly debited money from the user's account using the getMoney method. This approach is now deprecated. Instead, we recommend using the Join method of the PlayersService. This method attaches the player to the appropriate session, performing all necessary integrity checks on our side. As a result, it returns information about the created order, which will also appear in the transaction history. Note that if a player joins using only bonuses, no order will be created.

Example of the returned Order:

message AppliedPlayerOrder {
// Order identifier, uuid string
string id = 1;
// Type of the order, bet, stake or any other
string type = 2;
// Amount of the order for bet or win
uint32 amount = 3;
// Order status after transaction has beed applied
string status = 4;
// Reference data that was placed into the order during the creation
string reference = 5;

How to replace putMoney

Similar to getMoney, the putMoney method is now deprecated. To award prizes to players, you first need to complete the current session by providing the tournament table with all required data. Based on this information, the system generates all necessary orders and returns them within the response to the SessionsService.Complete method call.

Example of Position message description:

message Position {
// Remote player ID returned on Join request
string player = 1;
// Place taken by the player
int32 place = 2;
// Prize that has to be paid to the player
int32 prize = 3;
// Score earned by the player
optional int32 score = 4;
// Duration spend by the player, in seconds
optional int32 duration = 5;
// Reference data that was placed into the order during the creation
// Will be applied only when spread is true
optional string reference = 6;
// Timestamp when the player exited the game
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp exited_at = 7;

Optionally, you can complete a session in two ways:

  • Without Generating Orders: This option performs all necessary checks but does not generate orders, meaning no real money transactions are created during the call.
  • With Order Generation: By defining the parameter spread, all transactions will be created during the API call, resulting in real money transactions being processed.
message CompleteSessionRequest {
// Marks that tournament after finishin has to spread money automatically
// based on the leaderboard table
optional bool spread = 3;

Handling Rewards

If auto-spreading is not applied, you need to provide the user with the ability to claim their reward. This ensures that users can manually collect their earnings from the tournament.